Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ebook gratuit Lovecraft Country

Ce sont plusieurs avantages en revue Lovecraft Country Lorsque vous avez choisi d'obtenir ainsi que de vérifier le livre, vous avez besoin de mettre de côté la formulation et obtenir la liberté de vérifier jusqu'à fini. Cette publication a tendance à être un livre nécessaire d'exiger certaines tâches et tâches. Lorsque d'autres personnes sont toujours inquiets au sujet des emplois et aussi date limite, vous pourriez sentir beaucoup plus assoupli en raison du fait que vous avez réellement obtenu guide dans sa totalité.

Lovecraft Country

Lovecraft Country

Lovecraft Country

Ebook gratuit Lovecraft Country

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Lovecraft Country

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Livres audio Audible

Durée : 10 heures et 51 minutes

Type de programme : Livre audio

Version : Version intégrale

Editeur : Audible Studios

Date de publication : 6 juin 2019

Langue : Français, Français


Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

Il y a des livres qui vous interpelle de par le sujet qu’ils abordent et les thèmes qu’ils développent, lovecraft country est de ce la.Beaucoup de choses surprennent à la lecture de cet ouvrage, et le mélange entre l’univers de lovecraft et l’Amérique segrégationiste du milieu des années 50 est loin d’être l’élément le plus étonnant.L’auteur a tout d’abord voulu rendre hommage à la culture pulp mais parvient très vite à dépassé ce postulat de départ en nous brossant le portrait de personnages tous plus attachants les uns que les autres.En effet la narration est segmenté en plusieurs histoires reliés entre elles par un fil rouge. Chacune d’entre elles permet à un personnage de se retrouver sur le devant de la scène. L’ensemble donne un effet choral au récit sans que celui ci se disperse dans toutes les directions.Car l’auteur a un but précis en nous faisant voyager avec autant de personnages différents : nous présenter autant de caractères et de mentalité différentes que possible.Chacun des protagonistes à une manière bien à lui d’appréhender la société raciste dans laquelle ils sont obligés de vivre et d’y faire face.Ainsi la où le père se révèle intransigeant face aux Injustices, le fils fait lui preuve de diplomatie et de prudence. Il en est de même pour les sœurs Letitia et Ruby, l’une est une tigresse qui ne compte pas la société lui dictait sa conduite tandis que l’autre n’aspire qu’à un peu de tranquillité, quitte à délaissé ses rêves et ses envies.L’auteur s’amuse à confronté les ambitions, les rêves, les convictions ou simplement l’innocence de tous ses personnages au monde cruel et impitoyable qui est le leur.On peut regretter que l’horreur, sentiment auquel on pense immédiatement lorsque l’on évoque Lovecraft, ne soit réellement présent que dans la première mésaventure et l’avant dernière avec le récit du jeune Horace.Cependant entre le voyage onirique d’Hippolyta, la rencontre entre Letitia et un esprit frappeur et un vol surréaliste au musée le lecteur y trouvera son compte d’aventure et de suspens.L’intrigue principale reliant chacune des péripéties des personnages fait pâle figure à côté tant elle paraît convenue et sans réelle surprise mais le propos de l’auteur n’était sans doute pas d’écrire l’équivalent du trône de fer chez les sudistes. On pourra donc facilement lui pardonner cette faute.Aux delà d’un simple hommage à une époque révolue Matt Ruff nous rappelle à quel point la ségrégation était un système inique combattu, chacun à leurs manières,par les héros et héroïnes de son ouvrage.Note 8/10Chronique de Christophe C.Plus de chroniques sur

une énorme déception

When I first purchased this book, I had high hopes when it came to seeing how Lovecraftian elements were combined with the racism of the United States. And to make make sure I had an informed review, I did go ahead and finish the entire book. There are certain things I have to give to Ruff: the pacing is decent and the variability of narratives keeps the world convincing and dynamic. However, I have to say the most "Lovecraft" part of this book is the cover. At the heart of Lovecraft's work, beyond the cults and the madness and the magic and the unseen monsters, there is a deep-seated fear of the unknown on a cosmic scale. For this sort of fiction, we are consistently reminded how unimportant we, that our lives are a mere blink amidst the cosmic horror of things we will never understand. Throwing a cult, dark magic, malevolent beings, or even the meta-reference of the Necronomicon into a book does not make it Lovecraftian. Period. As terrifying as racism is, it is something we can grasp as it does not extend beyond our world or into other dimensions of being. For that, I cannot give Ruff anything beyond the baseline recognition of his prose.

Being a fan of H.P. Lovecraft’s fiction means also having to face the uncomfortable truth that Lovecraft the man was an unabashed racist and xenophobe. Needless to say, I was thrilled to come across Lovecraft Country, which promised to confront this head on, employing Lovecraftian tropes as a vehicle for examining race and racism in 1950s America.It’s such an exciting premise, but it just didn’t deliver in quite the way that I had hoped. The story follows 22-year-old Atticus Turner and his family, who discover that they are inextricably linked to a secret organization that harnesses occult powers.Unfortunately, I had a hard time ever finding a rhythm. The book hops around to different narratives without enough focus on character development, which left me feeling disconnected and uninvested. Rather than fully exploring the many moral complexities at his disposal, Ruff instead delivers a convoluted plot that’s arguably more of an homage to Scooby Doo or The DaVinci Code than Lovecraft.I loved his idea of applying the cosmic existential dread at the heart of Lovecraft’s stories to the terror of being black in Jim Crow America, but the story lacked the awe and atmospheric tension that one would expect from a Lovecraft tribute. If I’m being honest, there really wasn’t any narrative tension at all.Such a great concept, but such lackluster execution. If I were rating it purely on the premise alone (and for that AMAZING cover art), it would be a 5-star book, but alas, a stellar premise does not make a great book.

Let me say, period pieces really are my favorite niche in any genre. While working as a colorful backdrop, it also ought to really become a character in and of itself. That's to say, the characters within the story should be effected in some way, both great and small. You can't just say your on the 1950s and not have some sort of conflict within the boundaries of that era. And Lovecraft Country is sweating Jim Crow. Every action and resolution is weighed against a concise and chillingly real understanding of what it was like for African Americans during segregation. I'm actually a big fan of studying this precarious time in our country. Yes, there are lots of harrowing moments and events, but to me at least there are a lot of heroes that are born from the era. Author Matt Ruff capitalized on that, I think. His characters, the Berry's and Turner's, had to face extreme racism and event he more subtle and more sinister forms of it, but they stood the test, in their own way. Atticus' father, Montrose, for example, I did not favor him in the beginning, to me he seemed a harsh kind of father figure, but later on, discovering his history and his ultimate message to the black youth around him, I began to like him more and more. For the historic setting and the story surrounding it, top marks.But as a Lovecraft inspired work of fiction? Some debate could be made. There is a feeling, a vibe that hints at a cosmic dread, but nothing on the level as H.P. And for those looking for Lovecraft are bound to be disappoint, at least a little bit, right? And that's okay. Truthfully, I had hopes of seeing more of Lovecraft's world, not just having his work mentioned between a group of unlikely sci fi fans. The supernatural is certainly there, or as they call it "natural philosophy." But what Lovecraft Country really lacked was teeth, especially if stamping the title with Lovecraft's name. Lovecraft Country was like a PG romp into some rather serious issues dealing with race in America and reading the characters all coming out unspoiled seemed disingenuous. Fun, but not realistic.In summary, Lovecraft Country works as a reminder and a warning regarding the legacy of Jim Crow America. The tension is clearly defined and some parts were hard to get past. The history was spot on and believable. But as a Lovecraft stamped lacked that sense of dread, lurking creatures or not, that ought to come with every Lovecraft inspired book. An argument could be made that the dread was with the characters having to survive the effects of segregation, that the hidden lurking unfathomable monstrosity was in fact racism itself. Still, in the end it felt as if most things had been resolved, more or less. Parts of the book, which was designed in short story increments that connected eventually together, wrapped up too neatly. And the lack of death or any serious permanency felt strange compared to the real threat this part of our history posed to those who lived it.My rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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